Central Lake County
Joint Action Water Agency
Meeting the highest standards for quality in the production and distribution of drinking water to Central Lake County since 1992
In 2005, the Agency received the Phase IV Excellence in Water Treatment certification from the Partnership for Safe Water, identifying its staff and facilities as meeting the highest standards for quality in the production and distribution of drinking water. CLCJAWA is the third organization to be granted this prestigious recognition and the first conventional water treatment plant in the United States to achieve this distinction.
Notice of Public Hearing - Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination for a new water transmission main, new reservoir, new pump station and new delivery structure as part of the Lake Zurich-CLCJAWA Expansion and in support of obtaining a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
If you missed the meeting on Monday March 17 at 10:00 a.m., YOU STILL MAY OFFER COMMENTS THROUGH 3/27. See below.
Click here for the Project Summary and Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination.